Fall Signs Nature Hunt

We are technically a week out from the first day of Fall, but here in Madison, WI we are already feeling it in the air and seeing those first leaves on the ground. The start of a new season is a great time to get outside with your family and talk about what changes you are starting to notice outside. At our free trial classes last week we read one of my favorite children’s books called Tiny Perfect Things, by M.H. Clark, and walked through our park looking for more tiny perfect things in nature. I encourage you do to the same this Fall with your family to look for the tiny, perfect, magical changes of Fall in your neighborhood and perhaps also collecting a perfect colorful fall leaf or 20 along with way. I always have a bucket or basket on hand for this purpose. My pockets can only hold so much, and I must admit, I am just as guilty of collecting all the things as my two boys, if not more!

Engaging in a nature walk during the changing seasons allows families to connect with the natural world's cyclical patterns. It offers a firsthand experience of the subtle shifts that signal the arrival of a new season, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Earth's rhythms.

Not only that, but Nature walks also provide a sensory feast for children. This is particularly important after a long day of school and work. The crispness in the air, the rustling of leaves, the scent of damp earth, and the various textures to encounter—all these sensory experiences help to unwind and de-stress from the day as well as enhance cognitive development and sensory awareness.

I further encourage you to actively engage together and with nature during your walk with this free scavenger hunt digital download. Can you find all of the Fall signs!? Happy adventuring on your fall nature walks!