Select Class Section
Saturdays, 10am at Yahara Place Park (2/5-2/26)
Saturdays, 10am at Westmorland Park (2/5-2/26)
Child 1
First Name
Last Name
Child 1 DOB
Child 2
First Name
Last Name
Child 2 DOB
Child 3
First Name
Last Name
Child 3 DOB
List any allergies or important information to note
First Name
Last Name
Parent Email
Parent Phone
Parent Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Additional Caregiver (attending classes)
First Name
Last Name
Additional Caregiver Email
Additional Caregiver Phone
How did you hear about Naturing in Madison?
From the leader
From a friend
At a community event
HulaFrog, Madison Moms Blog, etc.
Other/Friend name
Waivers and agreements
Outdoor Hazards Waiver
There are hazards of outdoor activity to include, but are not limited to: Injuries from physical activities; Injuries from failing to properly use tools; Exposure to weather and water; Exposure to wildlife and plants.
Emergency Waiver
In an emergency, the onsite guardian will be responsible for determining the best course of action for their child(ren). Naturing in Madison leaders can provide basic first aid supplies and assist in their application as needed.
Liability Waiver
Naturing in Madison leaders will exercise many cautions to prevent mishaps (including adequate adult supervision, extreme care in potentially dangerous situations, clear communication with children), injuries are still possible. Provided adequate precautions have been taken by Naturing in Madison leaders, enrolling families assume all risks of injury, hereby releasing and holding Naturing in Madison harmless along with their contractors from liability for any such injury.
Please read the waivers and agreements carefully. They include a release of liability and waiver of legal rights, and deprive you of the ability to sue certain parties. By agreeing electronically, you acknowledge that you have both read and understood all the text presented to you as part of the registration process.
Cancellation Policy
Naturing in Madison reserves the right to cancel Together in the Park classes due to low enrollment. Any class sessions canceled due to low enrollment will be automatically fully refunded, or at the clients request, registration can be transferred into another class session pending availability.
If you need to withdraw from a Together in the Park class session for any reason, please inform us in writing at least one week prior to the start of class to transfer your registration to another class session, or at your request, a refund (less 20% admin fee).
If your child is unable to attend class due to medical reasons, you may receive a refund (less 20% admin fee) at any time prior to the start of classes, or if after the start of classes, a prorated refund for any remaining classes (less 20% admin fee) by providing a doctor's note.
Refunds will not be issued for any non-attendance or cancellations received after the start of the program. (If you do have to miss a class, it may be possible to arrange a class make-up within another class session if arranged with the Leader in advance. This is not a guarantee.)
In the event that a Together in the Park class is cancelled by Naturing in Madison due to severe weather or a leader emergency, the class will be rescheduled to one of two designated make-up days specified in the class listing. For any cancelations beyond that, if a make-up class is not possible, Naturing in Madison will refund the prorated amount for missed day(s) (minus a 6.25% processing fee).
I agree to the waivers and agreements
We take photographs in class for families to look at back at the fun we had and continue the conversation at home. We also like to share the photographs we take more broadly, when possible. Please select your preference regarding photographs of your child and family.
Feel free to share any photos of my child/family
Only share photos where my child/family are not identifiable
Only share photos of my child/family with the class participants
Please do not share any photos of my child/family